
🔙 👨‍🎓 👨‍💻 🔄

Tramex is a project that serves the goal of allowing users to analyze and visualize frames in a 4G network.

Tiny proxy ( used during development because of some issues because of CORS (

3GPP creates the specification using docx (why?). In these files, ASN.1 is used to describe the messages.

The project docx-asn1 ( is used to extract ASN.1 from docx files.

The project types_lte_3gpp ( is used to convert the ASN.1 files to Rust files types using hampi ( generates the hampi-rs-asn1c).

Raw ASN.1 files are also available in the asn/ directory:

Unfortunately some protocols are not available as ASN.1. But some protocols are still described in the docx (but with multiple - complicated - tables)

See also